How zombie flicks rose to fame and then faded away

George Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968) is the most influential zombie film, but is it also the best?

Trashy and brutal, with no regard for decency or taste, is what you can expect from the upcoming Troma film Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead. Its sociological criticism of commercial society is also somewhat brilliant.

A group of stranded boaters find themselves on a remote island where a sinking SS submarine has abandoned its undead crew, a Nazi experiment. Peter Cushing plays an SS Commander who is miscast and looks to be insane.

J. R. Bookwalter was paid out of Sam Raimi's profits from Evil Dead II to helm The Dead Next Door. There was cringeworthy amateur acting with surprising expertise in this SUPER 8 zombie action-drama.

World War Z is one of the worst adaptations of great source material that the horror genre has ever seen, but it does tell a somewhat interesting story about a UN investigator who jet-sets around the world in search of a cure or biological agent to fight the zombies.

A zombified soldier convinces a group of slacker pals that they are really powerful warriors. Similar to Colin, the film is told from the zombie's point of view, but with a brilliant humorous twist.

Nicholas Hoult stars as a zombie who wanders a desolate airport with hundreds of his kin until he encounters Julie.

The film shows off Nyong'o's talent for musical performance, and Josh Gad's irritating talents are used to good effect.

Blood Quantum, directed by Jeff Barnaby, is a zombie movie that aims for the satirical and political edge that is often associated with the zombie subgenre, and it delves deeply into the everyday ills that come with colonialism.

James Gunn's first film was a B-movie zombie/aliens homage called Slither. It suffers a little in terms of originality because of the parallels to another film on this list, 1986's Night of the Creeps, but it's still a fun film in its own right.

In Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, a sonic radiation machine raises the living dead from the earth.

In this zombie film, which is an odd blend of American zombie cliches and hard-to-place foreignness, the repercussions of killing insects aren't entirely as planned.

The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988), directed by Wes Craven, is a welcome return to the voodoo-style Haitian zombie and proof that it is still feasible to produce a "voodoo zombie" movie that is at least somewhat serious about scaring its audience.

Juan of the Dead, by Alejandro Brugués, is Cuba's first zombie movie.

In the movie Juan of the Dead, zombie movies get a political twist when Juan tries to make money off of the panic and confusion by starting a small business that gets out of hand.

A nurse who is called to the Caribbean to treat a patient who may be infected with the zombie virus gets embroiled in a mystery involving a voodoo cult while she is there.

In Romero's last picture, the zombies evolve into sentient people, and Dennis Hopper plays a ruthless plutocrat controlling a walled-off version of Pittsburgh. It's not as nuanced as his earlier films, but it looks excellent and has just enough of Romero's rebellious spark to be interesting.

In Rammbock, infection does not always result in death and zombification, and only intense emotions may cause the entire transition into a zombie. The film is also remarkably devoid of gore.

Cemetery Man is an experimental horror-comedy about a cemetery caretaker who wanders aimlessly through life and wonders why he bothers to do his duties. In terms of the protagonist's despondency and identity crisis, there are parallels to American Psycho.

The version of Night of the Living Dead that Tom Savini created in 1990 is a decent copy. It would be a classic if not for the name.

Robert Englund is a potentially zombiefied townie, while Jack Albertson is the quirky coroner/mortician.

One Cut of the Dead is a cute zombie film about actors trying to broadcast a zombie short film live on television.

Low-budget zombie film about a former baseball pitcher and catcher going across the nation. The undead are a harsh reminder of what these guys have lost.

The film depicts an extraterrestrial invasion in which parasitic slugs give their victims superpowers. It's a zombified take on Animal House, and it's a risqué, very tawdry horror picture set in a university.

Peter Jackson's horror-comedy Dead Alive is one of the genre's crowning achievements, featuring a room full of zombies and a lawnmower that keeps functioning despite being choked with 1,000 gallons of blood. Dead Alive is considered one of the crowning achievements of the gross-out zombie comedy genre.

Dawn of the Dead by Zack Snyder is a leaner, bloodier, and more action-packed zombie film that is heavily indebted to 28 Days Later. It has one of the finest opening scenes in the history of zombie films.

Zombieland is a zombie comedy that relocates the action to the United States and puts together a group of survivors who are not buddies. It has really menacing zombies and strikes a near-perfect balance between humorous violence and character-based fun.

Train to Busan is a South Korean zombie film that is an equal mix of scary popcorn entertainment and really moving family drama. The film was directed by Park Chan-wook. It wraps up with a number of action sequences that I more information have never saw before, in addition to some excellent special effects makeup.

The Beyond, directed by Lucio Fulci, is one of the most elegant Italian zombie horror films, combining a haunted house aesthetic with demonic possession, the living dead, and haunting apparitions.

Digital phones would catch a zombie pandemic. This film depicts it well.

The characteristics of a zombie are rethought by Pontypool. It is a movie that I like because it critiques humanity's incapacity to connect with one another and talk about significant topics in the 21st century by going the difficult route.

The characters in the zombie flick Demons range from preppy teenagers and squabbling spouses to a pimp and a blind guy.

A mystery plan orchestrates the screening of a horror film and the ensuing zombification and demonization of the crowd, resulting in a meat grinder of practical effects brutality and survival.

The Italian horror film Zombi 2 is the genre's crown gem, considerably increasing the craziness level and pushing gore to new heights. It has memorable scenes that have transcended the horror genre.

Night of the Living Dead, directed by George A. Romero, is widely regarded as the most influential zombie film ever produced and has had a significant impact on the development of independent cinema.

The rules of the zombie genre were set by Romero's film, which has impacted subsequent zombie films. It's the equal of Tolkien's effect on high fantasy "races," and it's almost impossible to discuss zombies without having watched Romero's picture.

Evil Dead 2 is a remake of the original Evil Dead film and one of the greatest and most well-paced horror comedy ever made. It also reflects the evolving attitudes regarding zombies in cinema, as seen by this film.

Together, 28 Days Later and Shaun of the Dead set norms for the "modern" zombie picture and demonstrated that the cultural zeitgeist of zombies could also be exploited for laughter.

In 2002, the film 28 Days Later breathed new life into the traditional zombie genre and elevated the undead to the status of a legitimate menace. It was the beginning of the contemporary zombie film.

Re-Animator takes a scientific method to reanimating corpses, which it enjoys. Herbert West, played by Jeffrey Combs, is a crazy scientist who uses flashing green goo to reanimate the dead.

John Russo is a relative unknown in the annals of zombie movies, yet his sequel to Night of the Living Dead is one of the genre's greatest achievements.

Romero's Dawn of the Dead is a giant leap forward in terms of presentation, professionalism, thematic complexity and groundbreaking special effects. It takes place in a tacky mall overrun by the walking dead, and features iconic imagery that future zombie films attempted to duplicate or subvert.

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